Industrial UV disinfection systems find extensive applications across various domains, ranging from Industrial UV Water Purifiers to Municipal Open Channel UV Water Treatment Systems designed for civil facilities within water supply networks. These systems serve purposes such as drinking water disinfection, industrial water purification, and sewage water treatment, among others.

To ascertain the pricing of UV water purifiers, it becomes imperative to dissect the product’s composition, dismantle it, and meticulously scrutinize and juxtapose the costs associated with each component. Studies have identified seven key factors that can exert an influence on the pricing of industrial UV water disinfection systems.

Size of The UV Water Purifier

The cost of an industrial UV water filter is directly influenced by its size, as it correlates with the product’s capacity. In simple terms, a larger capacity results in a higher price tag.

The flow rate of UV disinfection hinges on various factors, including the size of the UV housing, the inlet and outlet diameters, and the power of the UV light, among others.

To illustrate, consider that a 1GPM UV chamber has a diameter of 51mm with 1/4-inch threads, while a 6GPM UV chamber has a diameter of 63mm with 1/2-inch threads. In contrast, a 24GPM UV chamber boasts a diameter of 114mm with 1-inch or 2-inch threads or flanges. Going even further, for a 100T/H system, a stainless steel chamber comes with a diameter of 273mm and DN150 flanges, requiring 12 pieces of 120W UV lamps, and the cost is several times that of a 1GPM UV water purifier.

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Type of UV Light

The quality of a germicidal ultraviolet lamp holds paramount significance, and its cost is directly influenced by its intensity.

The level of UV rays within ultraviolet light plays a crucial role in effectively combating bacteria or viruses on your items, offering enhanced germ protection. It’s worth noting that the cost of UV lamps varies significantly between different brands, with well-established brands typically commanding higher prices compared to regular ones. Ultimately, the key to UV lamp quality lies in the consistency and stability of ultraviolet radiation, with greater stability indicating better performance.

Additionally, the UV visible light is generated from phosphor powder, and the cost of this powder can vary depending on whether it’s from an imported big brand or a local source. Typically, high-quality Chinese UV lamps can maintain stable UV intensity for up to 8000 hours, and they are usually more cost-effective compared to products from larger, well-known brands.

Whether a Pre-Filter Is Included or Not

When a product includes a pre-filter, it transforms into a comprehensive UV water disinfection system, leading to increased costs. On the other hand, if there’s no pre-filter, the cost primarily covers the UV water purifier alone. Often, systems integrate UV technology with water purification systems, with many UV manufacturers typically offering combined systems that include both pre-filtration and a UV water purifier.

The water enters through a sediment filter and may subsequently pass through an activated carbon filter before reaching the UV water purifier. Alternatively, it can go directly from the sediment filter to the UV water purifier. The choice depends on the specific requirements and budget constraints of the customers.

Gallons Per Minute (GPM)

The cost increases with a higher water flow rate (measured in GPM). In the industrial applications market, the cost is influenced by the typical preferences for germicidal flow rates, such as 12GPM and 24GPM in the US, and 15GPM and 30GPM in Europe. However, sewage ultraviolet sterilization systems typically require a treated flow rate of 100T/H.

Power of The UV Light Source

The cost increases as the UV-C light power goes up. UV light power determines the size of the UV chamber, the quartz sleeve, and the UV ballast power, all contributing to higher costs.

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Function and Quality of UV Ballast

The quality of the UV ballast is a crucial consideration for your purchase. Quality should be your top priority!

In any case, the cost of the ballast can also be influenced by several other factors listed below.

  1. Whether there is an alarm
  2. Whether there is a digital timer
  3. Whether there is a control system
  4. Whether it supports remote monitoring
  5. Whether it supports UV intensity monitoring
  6. Whether there is an integrated system management
  7. Whether there is a LCD display

All of the functions mentioned above can influence the cost of the UV ballast.

uv water purifier

Warranty Offered by The Manufacturers

When purchasing UV water purifiers, it’s essential to verify the presence and duration of a warranty. This information aids in assessing product quality and reliability. Products without warranties may impact their overall cost. Typically, higher-priced items are constructed with superior materials and offer increased reliability. However, exercise caution when encountering exceptionally low-priced items, as they may be of lower quality.

About Puritor

Puritor is an experienced manufacturer of UV water treatment systems for a variety of water treatment applications. With ongoing research activities, Puritor is able to provide advanced water security for domestic, industrial, and municipal applications, including domestic drinking water purification, industrial wastewater treatment, and municipal wastewater treatment. Products from Puritor are not only of excellent quality, but also of excellent price competitiveness. Visit or Contact Puritor today for the best UV water treatment solution for your water treatment application.

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