UV water sterilizers are one of the most common forms of UV applications. Ultraviolet can play an important role in water treatment field. But at the same time, UV can’t solve all the problems encountered in water treatment. For some water pollution situations, the water to be treated needs to be pretreated before UV treatment. In this Blog, we will look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of UV in water treatment.

Advantages of UV Water Sterilizers

1. Highly efficient sterilization

The sterilization of bacteria and viruses by ultraviolet can generally achieve a sterilization rate at 99%-99.9% in just one to two seconds.

2. Efficient and broad-spectrum sterilization

Ultraviolet has a broad-spectrum sterilization effect over microorganisms. It can efficiently kill almost all bacteria and viruses.

3. No secondary pollution

UV sterilization does not add any chemical agents. So, it will not cause any secondary pollution to the water body and the surrounding environment. It does not change the original taste or smell of the water.

4. Safe and reliable operation

The disinfectants in traditional sterilization methods such as chlorination are highly toxic and flammable. But for ultraviolet, there is no such safety hazard in its sterilization process.

5. Low operation and maintenance costs

Occupying a small area, the structure of UV sterilization equipment are is often simple. So, the total investment will not be large, and the operating cost will be low. For the water treatment of thousands of tons of water, its cost will only be 1/2 of that of chlorination sterilization.

Disadvantages of UV Water Sterilizers

Ultraviolet can only eliminate microorganisms in the water. It can not remove any other pollutants from the water such as heavy metals, salt, chlorine, or man-made substances such as petroleum products or pharmaceuticals. Other filtering methods should be used before the UV treatment to ensure that all contaminants have been removed from the water to be treated.

Ultraviolet functions well under clear water. If the water is turbid or if it contains “floating matters”, a pre-filter should be used before the UV treatment because ultraviolet cannot reach microorganisms effectively when ultraviolet is blocked by particles.

The operation of UV water treatment requires electricity. If there is no electricity available, ultraviolet may not be suitable for all applications in rural areas, under emergent situations or for survival needs.

Advantages of Buying Directly from a Manufacturer

In previous times, manufacturers encountered obstacles when it came to directly reaching consumers due to financial limitations. This led to the introduction of distributors, acting as intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers. These middlemen, commonly known

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