The use of ultraviolet to kill contaminants and ensure food safety dates back to the 1850s. In the production of beverages and drinking water, water-borne microorganisms can adversely affect the flavor, color and shelf-life of the products. To overcome this problem, one of the top priorities for beverage and drinking water manufacturers in the production is to eliminate process water and microorganisms in product water. Compared with other sterilization methods, beverage UV sterilization can achieve a better effect. The popularization of UV sterilization technology has enabled beverage and drinking water manufacturers to have better water sterilization equipment. With the help of these equipment, they can effectively control the potential microorganisms in process water and product water. This ensures higher product quality and avoids the risk of product quality problems and product recalls due to poor sterilization of raw materials.

Sterilization of Water

Sterilization is a common application of UV in water treatment. Any raw water used for beverages or drinking water and water that comes into direct contact with products can be a source of contamination. As a highly efficient way of water treatment, UV can remove most of the microbial contamination that may cause disease in water and minimize the contamination rate in the production process.

beverage UV sterilization

Reduce the TOC in Water

In water treatment, UV is used to treat and reduce the presence of various organic compounds in water, which are often referred to as total organic carbon (TOC). TOC is considered to be an important food source for bacterial growth. Other methods, such as activated carbon, can only modestly reduce the TOC level. They cannot be used for the production of beverages or high-purity drinking water. However, UV can achieve an effective reduction in TOC. UV is also known as TOC burner for this feature. In general, in order to achieve effective TOC treatment, 185 nm UV treatment systems are used. Dimensional design and reasonable placement of the system should be done before the installation of the product.

Destroy Chlorine and Chloramines in Water

Usually, chlorination of water adds chlorine and chloramines to the water to control bacterial levels. However, their presence will have a bad effect on membrane filtration and RO. Common solutions include chemical injection or the use of carbon bed. But these methods have been proved to be unsatisfactory. Chemical injection works by removing one chemical and adding another to the water. The chemical will then feed the microbes in the water. The problem with carbon beds is that they are inefficient and can easily provide opportunities for microbial growth. The use of UV does not have the above-mentioned problems. UV can effectively destroy the molecular structure of chlorine and chloramines in water, so as to realize the most effective removal.

beverage UV sterilization

Treatment of Process Water

UV can treat the process water in the beverage production process. UV sterilization technology does not rely on any chemical ingredients to purify the water, nor does it require heat sterilization. This realizes the reuse of process water. In beverage and drinking water production facilities, sprayers and heat exchangers that rely on recirculating water will benefit from the improved water quality. This will reduce the production costs and improve the efficiency. More than that, there will be no quality or safety risks.

Treatment of Well or Spring Water

UV is the most effective purification and sterilization treatment for well or spring water. Even clear well or spring water can contain a large number of microorganisms and bacteria that are invisible to the naked eyes. The advantage of UV treatment is that water can be disinfected only by UV irradiation without adding any chemicals. Also, UV does not destroy the minerals in the water itself. It will keep the natural taste of the water, and extend its shelf-life.

Cost Efficiency

UV sterilization can significantly reduce the safety risk of beverage and drinking water manufacturers and improve the production efficiency. From the perspective of cost efficiency, product manufacturers using UV water treatment equipment can usually recoup their investment just in a few months.

beverage UV sterilization

Beverage UV sterilization can provide the most effective solution for water treatment in the manufacture process. We have also discussed the importance of UV sterilizers for aquariums and UV application in domestic wastewater treatment in our previous blog posts. In addition, UV water treatment technology is also widely applied in community sewage treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, swimming pool water treatment, agricultural water treatment, cosmetics industry, high-tech industry and other fields for a variety of purposes.

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In previous times, manufacturers encountered obstacles when it came to directly reaching consumers due to financial limitations. This led to the introduction of distributors, acting as intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers. These middlemen, commonly known

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