Food, beverages, beer, edible oil, various cans, cold drink products, etc. Water disinfection of purified water for electronics industry, military camps, field water supply systems, hospitals,
Test water, disinfection of wastewater with high content of pathogenic organisms, application of water disinfection in residential buildings, communities, office buildings, hotels, restaurants, and water plants, and aquatic products
Industrial purification, shellfish purification, fish processing purification and disinfection, etc.
Urban sewage disinfection, swimming pool, water disinfection of other recreational water, electricity, industrial production cooling water, central air-conditioning system cooling water disinfection
Biochemical pharmacy, cosmetics production disinfection water, seawater, freshwater seedling, breeding water, and total treated water can reach more than 200,000 tons per day.
Agricultural water, greenhouse water, irrigation and disinfection, etc.

Optimal Use Conditions
Iron content: no more than 0.3ppm (0.3mg/L)
Hydrogen sulfide: no more than 0.05ppm (0.05mg/L)
Suspended solids: no more than 10ppm (10mg/L)
Manganese content: no more than 0.5ppm (0.5mg/L)
Water hardness: no more than 120 mg/L
Chroma: no more than 15 degrees
Water temperature: 5°C-60°C

Advantages of Buying Directly from a Manufacturer

In previous times, manufacturers encountered obstacles when it came to directly reaching consumers due to financial limitations. This led to the introduction of distributors, acting as intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers. These middlemen, commonly known

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Select Your Right Sized UV Water Purifier

The significance of a UV water purifier for maintaining the cleanliness and health of your water environment, whether it's an aquarium, pond, or a commercial space, cannot be overstated. However, when it comes to choosing

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Keep Your Water Safe and Clean with a UV Water Purifier

Water pollution remains a significant issue in the world today, affecting numerous people worldwide. This compromised water quality poses severe health hazards. UV water purifiers have emerged as an effective, chemical-free solution to combat these
