Ultra Violet Light

UV lamps have different watts, different lengths, long life, high output, amalgam lamps, they are made of soft glass and hard (quartz) glass, with single needle, double needle, four needle and mini double needle.

The UV sterilizing water system lamp is used to treat the water is static or in a closed space. For example, in water storage tanks and other water treatment plants, the water is just stationary and stored according to a specific capacity. This is the only chemical-free method of disinfecting water storage tanks.
The ultraviolet lamp placed in the stainless steel reactor or UV chamber is used to treat water with a certain flow rate, in which the water continuously flows in from the source, and can be used in various processes in the industry after sterilization. Bottling plants, agricultural irrigation systems, hotel kitchens, etc. often use water, so it is very suitable for SS UV sterilizers.

UV Electronic Ballast

Their power ranges from 8 W to 320 W, and a single ballast can be used to illuminate one lamp or two lamps. Ballasts can also be used for high output (HO) ultraviolet lamps and amalgam lamps.

A very important accessory for UV disinfection systems is electronic UV ballasts; according to their ideal service life (approximately 16,000 burning hours), they help to keep the UV lamps in good condition. A common challenge for every electrical device is the possibility of damage when it is overheated or because the transmitted power exceeds its capacity.
The ballast design uses advanced electronic equipment to more accurately regulate the current flowing through the circuit. Electronic ballasts are standard drivers for low-pressure and amalgam lamps in the water and air purification industry. They help convert the input power to the appropriate lamp power, thereby saving a lot of energy and ultimately saving costs. Since it only allows a limited current to flow to the lamp, it avoids overheating of the lamp.

Ultraviolet Quartz Sleeve

We can provide high quality UV quartz sleeves with different diameters, wall thicknesses, lengths, standard and customized configurations. They are either open at one end or open at both ends.

Quartz is one of the few solid materials that are almost transparent to short-wave ultraviolet rays.
The quartz sleeve acts like a UV protection layer and insulation around the lamp’s UV sterilization system. Especially for water sterilizers, the quartz sleeve is the only medium that can expose water to ultraviolet rays for treatment. When energized, these lamps cannot be directly used for the disinfection of the water flowing through the charged current. Water is a strong electric conductor, so special attention must be paid to the water disinfection device.

Advantages of Buying Directly from a Manufacturer

In previous times, manufacturers encountered obstacles when it came to directly reaching consumers due to financial limitations. This led to the introduction of distributors, acting as intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers. These middlemen, commonly known

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