Swimming pool UV sterilization has become an inevitable trend with people’s growing concern of water-borne infectious diseases. In recent years, the emergence of health regulations for swimming pools has led to the consideration of further improvement of the water quality. Using UV light to sterilize swimming pools is a major step forward over the previous use of halogen ingredients such as chlorine and bromine. Commercial pool operators and residential pool owners are increasingly turning to UV water treatment equipment because chlorine-resistant microorganisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia are immune to traditional water treatment methods. Swimming pool UV sterilization has become an inevitable trend with people’s growing concern of water-borne infectious diseases. When used correctly, UV light can significantly improve the water quality of swimming pools of all sizes.

Swimming Pool UV Sterilization

How does UV sterilization work?

UV sterilization may technically sound complicated, but it’s not. UV light are part of the light that the sun shines on the earth for millions of years. Through UV light, animals, plants and all other life forms on the earth can be sterilized. The main reason for the use of UV in water treatment is the presence of chlorine-tolerant microorganisms in water that we just mentioned. If left untreated, these chlorine-resistant microbes can enter swimmers’ bodies as they swim and cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and malabsorption. And they can’t be removed by the conventional water chlorination. Their existence brings great trouble to the cleaning work of the swimming pool. Some swimming pools even cannot operate normally because they are too difficult to eliminate. However, for chlorine-tolerant microorganisms, UV light can easily finish the removing work.

It was discovered more than 100 years ago that UV light can be used to kill bacteria when a group of European scientists discovered that the surface of the lake was sterile when exposed to sunlight. UV equipment used to kill bacteria can be made into a variety of shapes for different specific sterilization purposes. However, structurally, UV-C light used for water treatment is basically generated by the UV radiation of the UV bulbs. In addition to UV-C, the UV spectrum also includes UV-A, UV-B, and vacuum UV. UV-C has a wavelength of 100-280 nanometers, which is between visible light and X-rays.

When in use, UV water treatment equipment can cause immediate and permanent damage to the DNA of many microorganisms through the UV radiation produced by its UV-C bulbs. When its DNA is damaged by UV light, bacteria, viruses and protozoa will lose their activity and the ability to replicate themselves. The use of UV sterilization technology can significantly reduce the use of chemicals and can make other disinfectants more effective. The effects of UV light are instantaneous. It neither changes the composition of the water nor adds any chemicals to it.

Swimming Pool UV Sterilization

Improve Air Quality

Besides improving water quality, UV-C has been identified in many European countries as an aid in improving the air quality of indoor swimming pools as well. When chlorinated water is used in swimming pools, the presence of chloramines, a by-product produced in the chlorination process, can result in poor air quality on the pool surface and in the surrounding environment. With the use of UV-C technology, UV light will remove chloramine from the water before it spread to the surface and surroundings of the swimming pool, and thus prevent its contamination.

How to choose the proper UV water treatment equipment?

Simply understanding the sterilization principle and advantages of UV light is not enough to achieve efficient treatment of swimming pool water. The selection of UV water treatment equipment should take into account the size of the swimming pool and its frequency of use. The difference between the water consumption in large and small swimming pools will determine the choice, and the number of swimmers will also affect the final choice. To make a swimming pool qualified for related health regulations, it is necessary to make the right choice of UV water treatment equipment for its size. Puritor.com, a provider of professional UV water treatment equipment for many years, offers over 20 types of UV Water sterilizers. A wide range of UV water sterilizers with their water treatment capacities ranging from 2 to 220 t/h can satisfy the demands of swimming pools of all sizes as well as other water treatment applications. Purchasers can make targeted purchases according to the differentiated demands from their end-users.

In addition to the sterilization of family and commercial swimming pools, UV is also an important means of sterilization for families and commercial aquariums to ensure water quality. At the same time, UV sterilization also plays an important role in beverage production enterprises and domestic wastewater treatment field. And the application of UV sterilization will be expanded to a larger scope in the future.

Swimming Pool UV Sterilization

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