You should install UV water purifier in your home to protect yourself and your family from waterborne diseases. Given how much pollution there is in our environment, this has become an absolute necessity. One of the best benefits of UV water purifiers is that they don’t require a lot of maintenance or servicing, and they’re fairly inexpensive to buy and maintain. All you have to worry about is replacing the UV lamps annually to ensure optimum performance. UV water purification system utilizes ultraviolet light to remove impurities from water. It also uses a very small amount of electricity, only about the same amount as a 60-watt bulb.

It is important to maintain UV sterilizer for water filter annually to ensure their proper performance and enable them to function effectively.

Changing UV Lamp to Maintain UV Sterilizer for Water Filter?

A UV lamp should be replaced about once every 12 months. UV lamps typically last for about 9,000 hours, which means that the lamp can last about 375 days before it needs to be replaced. It is a good idea to order a replacement lamp, since technically the lamp lasts for about a year and a week. In any case, it’s a good idea to keep spare lamps on hand, or set a reminder to replace your old ones a month before they expire. The water simply passes through a tube of glass inside a pipe after the UV lamp burns out.

maintain uv sterilizer for water filter

Clean Your UV Quartz Sleeve

An ultraviolet disinfectant is emitted through the transparent quartz sleeve in order to treat water. The quartz sleeve is designed specifically to allow these UV-C rays to pass through and reach the water. The quartz sleeve can also act as a proxy for separating a water stream from an electrical current. Electricity and water don’t mix well. Quartz sleeves ensure the UV lamps and other electrical parts of the UV purification system are never in direct contact with water.

These contaminants can gradually build up on the UV quartz sleeve that protects the UV lamp when water runs through an ultraviolet system. In order to keep the quartz sleeve clean and operating properly, it needs to be cleaned regularly, around the time each lamp is changed. A buildup of residue will cloud the sleeve, preventing UV light from penetrating the water and killing microorganisms.

The sleeve should be replaced periodically, typically every 2-3 years. However, more frequent cleaning may be required based on water quality.

Read Manufacturer’s Instructions on How to Maintain UV Sterilizer for Water Filter

UV systems are generally similar, but their maintenance may differ slightly depending on their manufacturer. The manufacturer’s information will be helpful to maintain UV sterilizer for water filter from year to year. Following the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule will ensure the longevity of your system. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance to avoid compromising the system.

maintain uv sterilizer for water filter


UV water purifiers are a great investment for your home, but only if you take care of them follow the precautions! Make sure to clean the filter and quartz sleeve regularly and change out the lamps. By following the above-mentioned simple maintenance tips, you can ensure that your UV water purifier keeps your family safe and healthy for years to come.

You can also check out our blog post on benefits of UV water sterilizer.

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