Quartz sleeves are a type of filter used in ultraviolet (UV) water treatment systems. While most quartz sleeves are made to last for years, they can eventually break or wear out. When this happens, it’s important to replace them as soon as possible to ensure that your UV system continues to operate at its best. Here’s everything you need to know about replacing quartz sleeves.

Replace UV Quartz Sleeve

UV water systems are a popular choice for many homeowners as they offer a simple and effective way to disinfect and purify their water supply. The system works by passing water through a chamber that contains UV lightbulbs. The UV light kills harmful bacteria and other microorganisms, making the water safe to drink. However, the UV lightbulbs only have a limited lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced. This is why it is important to replace UV quartz sleeve on your UV water system on a regular basis. The quartz sleeve protects the UV lightbulbs from damage and also helps to focus the UV light for maximum efficiency.

Replacing the quartz sleeve is a simple and inexpensive way to keep your UV water system working properly and ensuring that your family has access to safe, clean drinking water.

replace UV quartz sleeve

Here are simple steps to replace UV quartz sleeve:

  1. Unscrew the UV system’s water supply valve. Then turn on a faucet in the house to empty the system.
  2. Unplug the power. There may be a security alarm that sounds as a caution.
  3. Check to be sure the UV system isn’t too hot. You might want to allow the system to cool down for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the protective cover or safety cap (at the top of the UV system) carefully by pressing on the tabs.
  5. Remove the lamp’s plug, but maintain the strain relief wires linked.
  6. When removing the lamp/sleeve, use fresh, clean gloves to avoid damaging the UV lamp or sleeve on your skin.
  7. Remove the lamp/sleeve assembly and sleeve bolt from the chamber.
  8. Remove the cap from the UV lamp by gripping the sleeve bolt.
  9. Remove the quartz sleeve from the engine. Unscrew the sleeve bolt and remove o-rings from the quartz sleeve.
  10. Clean the quartz UV tube with a cloth moistened with CLR, vinegar, or any other mild acid. Rinse it thoroughly with water. Make sure you don’t use a towel or other fabric that might scratch the sleeve.

Purpose of a Sleeve in UV Filtration

The quartz-encased UV tube that protects a UV lamp is known as a “UV sleeve.” The UV quartz sleeve is a necessary component of any UV water purification system. Mineral buildup and other impurities can gradually cover the protection sleeve, but it’s designed to provide a barrier between the UV lamp and the water passing by.

How Often You Should Clean a UV Quartz Sleeve?

It’s critical to clean your UV water purifier’s UV quartz sleeve on a regular basis. Contaminant accumulation on the sleeve can obstruct UV transmission and reduce overall UV light efficacy, so it’s important to clean it regularly. Every 12 months, thorough cleaning and maintenance of the quartz sleeve are advised. You may want to clean the UV sleeve at the same time you change out your UV lamp every year. The quality of your water may necessitate cleaning the sleeve more frequently. Some consumers, on the other hand, remove their quartz sleeve and clean it every few months.

NOTE: Some UV lamps have a lifespan greater than 12 months, although most UV lamps should be changed every 12-24 months.

When Should a UV Sleeve Be Replaced?

Every two to three years, it’s advisable that all quartz sleeves be replaced. Replacing the whole sleeve every 24-36 months will ensure that the UV system continues to function properly.

replace UV quartz sleeve

How to Clean a UV Lamp?

It is not necessary to clean a UV lamp. Instead, it should be changed at least once a year or 9,000 hours of usage. Many UV systems include a controller that alerts you when it’s time to change a lamp. The UV system indicator might be a visual signal like a green light, an audible alarm, or an LED display countdown from 365 days until replacement date. Learn more about replacing a UV lamp here.

You can also check out our blog post on “How to Replace UV Lamp: The Complete Guide


The quartz sleeve is a key component of the UV system that should be regularly replaced to ensure optimal performance. If you have any questions about how to replace UV quartz sleeve, please contact us. We are happy to help!

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