You’ve undoubtedly heard of UV radiation, which comes from the sun. Those rays can be beneficial in assisting your body to make vitamin D or harmful in causing sunburn. Ultraviolet light is also present in tanning beds, for sterilizing medical equipment, and inside black lights at nightclubs, roller rinks, and cosmic bowling. While there are plenty of UV applications, water purification is one of the most significant applications of UV radiation.

UV treatment of water is one of the most effective strategies to destroy germs in water so that it is safe for your family to drink! Even if your water is from a municipal source where the government is responsible for ensuring it is safe to consume, you may never know when you need that extra layer of security.

If you have your own well water or are getting water from a river, lake, or other body of water, it’s entirely up to you to ensure that the water you offer for consumption is safe. It’s critical to add a continual level of disinfection if you have young or elderly family members living with you because they are the most susceptible to bacterial illness from unclean drinking water.

UV treatment of water work with ultraviolet light and do not add chemicals to the water or alter its properties.

uv treatment of water

How UV Treatment of Water Works

A UV water treatment system consists of four major elements: a high-quality quartz shell surrounding the lamp, a stainless steel chamber, a system controller, and a UV light. Read more about these components here.

There’s a lot of technical jargon involved with UV water purification, but the concept is quite basic.

The water is sterilized in a steel chamber that is exposed to UV light, which destroys germs and waterborne diseases. The water may then be consumed without risk.

UV light attacks and breaks down DNA to eliminate germs and viruses.

A DNA break causes a microorganism’s activity to cease and its ability to reproduce, resulting in it no longer being able to cause an infection or harm.

Different degrees of UV radiation are required to destroy DNA in waterborne pathogens. Furthermore, the flow rate of water has an impact since it influences the length of time microorganisms are exposed to intense light.

Benefits of a UV System for Water Purification

A UV system for water purification can offer a number of benefits over other methods of water treatment. UV systems are effective at destroying a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Additionally, UV systems do not rely on chemicals to sanitize the water, making them a more ecologically friendly option. And because UV systems work quickly and efficiently, they are often used in homes and businesses where a large volume of water needs to be treated.

Overall, UV systems offer an effective and environmentally friendly solution for purifying water.

Some other benefits of UV treatment of water include:

UV purification does not employ chemical compounds or leave by-products, thus it is chemical free.
UV does not alter the taste or odor of the water.
It generates very little power: It takes the same amount of energy to operate a 60-watt light bulb.
UV-system is low-maintenance and requires you to simply change the UV bulb every year.

uv treatment of water

Must Check: Industrial UV Water Purifier


If you are considering to use UV treatment of water to disinfect your home, it is important to ensure that the system is properly sized and maintained and you must follow proper precautions. A well-maintained UV system will not only keep your water safe to drink, but can also help reduce maintenance costs and extend the life of the equipment. Have questions about how to size or maintain your UV treatment system? Contact our team today for more information.

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