Our customers frequently inquire about the most effective water treatment for eliminating viruses and bacteria in their water supply.

Prioritizing sanitization and sterilization is crucial for both home and business owners. For safeguarding your water supply against viruses and bacteria, we consistently suggest utilizing a UV water purifier.

Scientifically validated, UV disinfection has been proven to eliminate 99.99% of bacteria and viruses that could be found in your tap water or well water.

uv water purifier

How a UV Water Purifier Functions?

Employing the electromagnetic energy of light, a UV water purifier safeguards against harmful substances in water by targeting their genetic core. This UV energy disrupts the DNA of disease-causing microorganisms, rendering them incapable of reproduction.

For the UV light to effectively neutralize microorganisms, the UV rays must directly impact the cells for sterilization. This process does not alter the water chemically or remove any particles; rather, it hinders the DNA reproduction of microorganisms.

Within UV water filtration systems, the UV lamps remain separated from the water. They are either enclosed in a sleeve within the water chamber or positioned outside transparent tubes through which water flows.

The flow rate at which water is exposed to UV light is a critical factor. A flow rate that is too high won’t allow sufficient exposure time, while a flow rate that is too low can lead to excessive heat buildup, potentially damaging the UV lamp.

Is a UV Water Purifier necessary for Public Water Systems?

Although significant progress has been made in identifying and eliminating known waterborne viruses and bacteria from US public water systems, it doesn’t guarantee complete safety.

Annually, 16 million cases of acute gastroenteritis are reported from US community water systems. In 2015, nearly 21 million individuals depended on community water systems that breached health-based quality standards.

Despite the general safety of public water systems, yearly occurrences of violations and outbreaks persist. Integrating a UV water purifier into your home or business serves as an additional safeguard, providing peace of mind that you’re protected in the event of contaminated water supply.

uv water purifier

Advantages of Using a UV Water Purifier

UV purification systems elevate water purification to a higher standard, offering a secure solution to eliminate the threats posed by microorganisms in your water. UV water treatment involves:

  • Eradicating 99.99% of microorganisms
  • UV systems operate without the use of chemicals and water is exposed to ultraviolet light to eliminate organisms
  • UV serves as a viable, environmentally friendly alternative to chlorination, emitting absolutely no by-products
  • Once installed, a UV system only requires annual servicing
  • Works 24/7/365 to maintain the safety of your water supply
  • No handling of hazardous chemicals like chlorine
  • Water seamlessly flows through the system, eliminating the need for a holding tank or reaction times
  • No disposal of dirty purifiers or media
  • Consumes only a low level of energy
  • UV purification process does not result in any water wastage
  • UV stands among the 4 only methods approved by the FDA for disinfection

Consult a Professional from Puritor

It is highly possible that your water contains additional contaminants that could necessitate a UV water purifier. When selecting a UV water purifier for your home or business, several factors should be considered.

We recommend that you choose professional UV water purifiers. Puritor is an experienced supplier engaged in the research and production of UV water disinfection equipment. In addition to providing UV Water Purifiers for Home water treatment, they also have Industrial UV Water Purifiers and Municipal Open Channel UV Water Treatment System.

Visit Puritor today to learn more or Contact Puritor for the best solution for your water treatment.

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