Although the vast majority of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans, fresh water resources are always scarce and unevenly distributed. As a method to save fresh water, rainwater harvesting systems can collect rainwater from the ground and store it for later reuse. We use rainwater harvesting systems to save water, but that’s not the whole story. This is an action that makes economic as well as environmental senses. In our life, according to statistics, about 1/3 of the fresh water resources will be wasted in various ways. Rainwater is a natural source of fresh water, and it doesn’t cost any form of energy to get it. Therefore, the use of rainwater harvesting systems is a very good way to save water.

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting Systems

As we mentioned earlier, the benefits of rainwater harvesting systems are both economic and environmental.

Economically, water becomes more expensive because it is scarce in certain areas. Therefore, the need for a rainwater harvesting system is self-evident. And in other places, the system also has great application value. Let’s take a look at the UK in 2018. In that year, parts of UK had no rain for more than 50 consecutive days. The annual rainfall was nearly half that of a normal year. In this context, the importance of rainwater harvesting systems shows up. Using water accumulated through rainwater harvesting systems can meet the demands for watering plants without increasing tap water consumption. Part of the rainwater can also meet the partial needs of the household water requirement after being treated.

Rainwater Harvesting System UV Sterilization

In addition, the advantages of rainwater harvesting are also reflected in environmental protection field. Rainwater harvesting can reduce the impact of heavy rains on surface runoff, thus reducing pollution of surface water by harmful ingredients such as pesticides, metals, etc. Rainwater harvesting also reduces the flow of water in rivers, which can further reduce erosion of river banks. And unlike tap water, rainwater is not chlorinated, so it doesn’t contain chloramines. Therefore, rainwater is also better for watering plants.

Why Rainwater Harvesting System UV Sterilization is Necessary

A typical rainwater harvesting system involves the collecting, filtering, storing, and distributing stages. Using rainwater to water plants will definitely be ok. But the rainwater collected will highly prone to be polluted at every stage for different reasons. Therefore, the water collected in a rainwater harvesting system cannot be used indoors directly. It needs to be sterilized. Microscopic water-borne bacteria such as Salmonella, giardia and E.coli can cause illness in humans. For these problems, ultraviolet light (UV) is a non-chemical water treatment method which is ideal for use in the home environment. Rainwater harvesting system UV sterilization provides security for the safe use of collected rainwater at home.

Rainwater Harvesting System UV Sterilization

Adopting UV sterilization in rainwater harvesting systems can help to promote the reuse of water. Ultraviolet light at the appropriate dose can purify the water by directly damaging the microbes’ DNA. UV sterilization process is achieved by the radiation of one or multiple UV lamps. In practice, UV lamps are usually housed in quartz sleeves. Quartz sleeve can avoid the direct contact between the water to be treated and UV lamps without affecting the UV radiation. When the system is turned on, the water to be treated will enter the treatment system through the inlet. After the sterilization process, the treated water will flow out through the outlet. In order to ensure an adequate sterilization of the water, the flow rate of the water needs to be set appropriately according to water condition.

Rainwater Harvesting System UV Sterilization

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting System UV Sterilization

Ultraviolet light is generally considered one of the best options for water treatment. UV light is a broad-spectrum sterilization radiation, with its killing range covering almost all bacteria and viruses. UV treatment is extremely efficient.
Compared with chemical treatments which are time-consuming and difficult to control dosage, UV can instantly kill harmful microorganisms in water with a rate of up to 99%. It is also effective against some common chlorine-resistant organisms such as Giardia or cryptosporidium. UV water treatment can also eliminate harmful microorganisms such as Legionella that pose a serious security threat. In terms of environmental friendliness, compared with the health hazards that often emerge in chemical treatment methods, rainwater harvesting system UV sterilization is a non-chemical treatment. It does not use any chemical products, nor does it produce any harmful by-products. It does not change the original physical properties of the water, nor does it cause any secondary pollution to the environment. From an economic point of view, UV water treatment systems are simple to operate and cheap to use. UV lamps used for the sterilization can last up to 10,000 hours. Therefore, on the whole, rainwater harvesting system UV sterilization is more economical than other treatment methods. Of course, UV water treatment isn’t 100% perfect. It also has some disadvantages. For more details, please go to our Blog: Advantages and Disadvantages of UV Water Treatment.

Rainwater Harvesting System UV Sterilization

Pretreatment for UV Sterilization

Although UV light has a powerful sterilization ability, several factors can affect its treatment effect when it is used for rainwater harvesting system sterilization. In addition to the flow rate which has been mentioned above, there are other factors to consider as well. First of all, before the treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the rainwater to be treated does not contain any large suspending particles which will affect the UV radiation. This can prevent microorganisms in the water from being obscured by particles, which will make the sterilization more difficult. Secondly, the rainwater collected should be kept as clean as possible to avoid turbidity. Turbidity of the water can cause changes in the smell and taste of the treated water after the process. Finally, the quartz sleeves covering the UV lamps should also be kept clean to avoid affecting the UV radiation.

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