A UV water purifier utilizes germicidal ultraviolet light to treat water that may be contaminated with harmful microorganisms. The UV wavelength disrupts the DNA of these organisms, preventing them from reproducing and causing illness. When bacteria-infested water is consumed, the organisms can take hold in the digestive tract and multiply. Ultraviolet radiation effectively hinders the replication of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi by damaging the nucleic acids in their DNA.

uv water purifier

How a UV water purifier works?

A UV water purifier utilizes a germicidal ultraviolet wavelength to expose living organisms like bacteria, viruses, and cysts (such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia) to this powerful radiation. At a specific wavelength of 254 nm, the UV energy effectively disrupts the DNA of these pathogenic microorganisms, rendering them unable to reproduce. By preventing their replication, the ultraviolet light inactivates the bacteria and helps eliminate the risk of waterborne diseases.

UV dosage refers to the amount of energy, measured in mJ/cm², delivered by a UV water purifier. A higher dosage signifies a greater amount of energy being used to treat water that is contaminated. Once the dosage reaches a certain threshold, it becomes effective in inactivating a majority of the microorganisms present in the water, ensuring their disinfection.

What does a UV water purifier remove?

While UV disinfection is effective in deactivating living organisms, it should be noted that it does not remove particles from the water, introduce any chemicals, or eliminate undesirable tastes and odors.

UV disinfection is employed to treat water for the following purposes:

  • Cryptosporidium
  • Giardia
  • Dysentery bacilli
  • Salmonella
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Streptococcus
  • coli
  • Hepatitis B
  • Cholera
  • Algae
  • Fungi
  • Some viruses

In the past, the city of Milwaukee experienced a severe flood that led to the contamination of the water supply with cryptosporidium, a parasite known to cause illnesses such as Montezuma’s revenge. Unlike chlorine, which is commonly used for water disinfection, cryptosporidium is resistant to its effects. As a result, the contaminated water in Milwaukee resulted in numerous fatalities. UV water purification provides protection against pathogenic organisms, including cryptosporidium, by effectively disinfecting the water and safeguarding against such waterborne illnesses.

uv water purifier

Composition of a UV water purifier

Within a UV water purifier, there is a chamber that houses the entire system. This chamber contains a glass quartz sleeve, which serves as a protective enclosure for the UV lamp. The UV lamp emits a germicidal wavelength of radiation, specifically UV-C, to deactivate living organisms in the water. The quartz glass sleeve is transparent to this UV wavelength, enabling the UV light to penetrate the glass and effectively disinfect the water passing through. The quartz sleeve also acts as a barrier, ensuring that the UV lamp remains separated from the water, as water and electricity are not a safe combination. Additionally, one or two O-rings are used to securely seal the entire system together, maintaining its integrity.

UV lamps operate using mercury vapor as their fuel source. The mercury vapor is initially loaded into the UV lamp in the form of small beads. Sometimes, you may notice these beads moving or rolling around inside the lamp. These beads represent the mercury in its liquid state before it is vaporized to generate the necessary fuel for the lamp to function properly.

Is it safe?

UV water treatment is a safe method that does not rely on the use of harmful chemicals or alter the composition of water. It utilizes UV-C light, which is highly effective in disinfection. UV-C light poses risks to microscopic organisms as well as humans, but as long as you avoid direct contact or exposure to the UV bulb while it is operational, there is no danger. Therefore, UV water treatment is considered a safe and reliable approach for water disinfection.

UV treatment is a safer and more effective alternative to chlorine treatment. While chlorine disinfection may not effectively remove certain protozoa, UV light can successfully treat water for these microorganisms. UV systems are easier to maintain and pose fewer risks compared to chemical disinfectants. Chlorine treatment typically involves complex procedures such as retention tanks and precise injections of solutions. In contrast, UV water purification offers a simpler and safer approach. In fact, many wastewater treatment plants have adopted UV purification to eliminate harmful chemical by-products that can arise from chlorine or chloramine treatment in water.

Is it effective?

UV systems provide rapid and efficient sterilization of water. With UV disinfection, 99.99% of living organisms in the water are deactivated. These systems are designed to operate continuously, ensuring a consistent supply of safe water. Unlike filters, UV purifiers do not generate wastewater or leave behind debris that needs to be cleaned out. Every single drop of water that enters the UV system is effectively purified, offering peace of mind and convenience.

uv water purifier

When is a UV purifier required?

UV purification is the optimal choice whenever your water is contaminated with bacteria or when you seek extra protection during natural disasters. By the time a Boil Water Advisory is issued by your city water plant, the water has already been compromised. Having a UV system in place ensures that your water remains free from dangerous viruses and pathogens, even when the water supply is compromised. It provides an additional layer of security to safeguard your health and well-being.

If you have a private well or your water is stored in a storage tank, it is crucial to use a UV water purifier unless you disinfect the water using chemicals. As a well owner, it is your responsibility to ensure the removal of bacteria from the water, and ultraviolet treatment is the most efficient method to achieve this. To ensure that you choose the right UV Water Purifier for your specific water situation, it is recommended that you Contact Us and get more information about our products. You can also browse our products on Puritor to select UV water treatment products that suit your water treatment requirements.

How to maintain your UV water purifier?

UV water purifiers are durable and long-lasting, but, like other water treatment systems, they require regular maintenance. Fortunately, maintaining UV systems is easy, and they are designed for continuous operation.

The UV lamp in a UV water purifier should be replaced annually. The lamp utilizes mercury vapor as fuel for generating the UV wavelength, and its effectiveness diminishes over time. A UV lamp typically lasts around 9,000 hours or approximately 375 days of continuous operation.

Regularly clean the quartz sleeve surrounding the UV lamp to ensure optimal performance. It is recommended to check the cleanliness of the quartz sleeve when replacing the lamp.

Replace the quartz sleeve every two years as a preventive measure. Considering their fragility, it’s recommended to keep an extra sleeve as a backup.

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