The quality of water plays a crucial role in the aquaculture industry for incubating fish eggs and raising juvenile fish. However, the availability of clean water is decreasing, and diseases in source waters are becoming more prevalent. Therefore, aquaculture water treatment has become an essential solution to address these challenges.

The surge in demand for water from expanding urban areas, coupled with ongoing pollution of natural waters and the introduction of new microorganisms via various means such as bird, animal, and human activities, including ballast water discharge, contribute significantly to this phenomenon. As a result, a swiftly developing industry faces numerous challenges.

uv water treatment

How to Ease the Problem

Presently, there are available solutions that can assist in overcoming these challenges. Fish hatcheries and rearing facilities are progressively exploring methods to enhance the quality of their source water, as well as counterbalance water quantity losses by incorporating recirculating water systems.

As a result, an increasing number of fish hatcheries are opting to install advanced water treatment systems.

These systems are specifically designed to:

  • Improve the quality of water in general.
  • Minimize the likelihood of outbreaks of diseases.
  • Achieve a balance in water requirements owing to the scarcity of water from natural sources.

In aquaculture facilities, UV water treatment systems are a vital component of a comprehensive water treatment process. The systems may come in closed vessel or open channel types to offer hatcheries maximum flexibility, and their components have evolved over time to become some of the most dependable and user-friendly technologies available for aquaculture water treatment.

uv water treatment

Inactivation of Microorganisms

UV water treatment systems are highly effective in decreasing microorganism levels in incubation and rearing facilities, and have been shown to be the most economical treatment technology for eliminating harmful microbes that threaten numerous fish species.

Remove Residual Ozone

In fish hatcheries, ozone is frequently utilized to enhance the quality of problematic water sources utilized for fish incubation and rearing. However, residual ozone in the water can be lethal or highly toxic to the aquatic life being raised. To prevent fish from being exposed to residual ozone, one of two removal processes is usually employed. The first method involves an ozone off-gassing column that releases ozone into the atmosphere, which may not be the most environmentally sound design due to its harmful effects. The second method involves applying 254nm UV energy to eliminate the residual ozone in the bulk water before it contacts the fish.

uv water treatment

Where Can Our UV Water Treatment Systems Help

Our UV water treatment systems have provided assistance to over 200 organizations with varying requirements in multiple industries, such as:

  • Aquariums
  • Depuration Facilities
  • Hatcheries
  • Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Effluent Treatment
  • Processing Plants
  • Zoos

Our Open Channel UV Water Treatment System comes with a high performance, and a lifetime performance guarantee. We are dedicated to offering high-quality UV water treatment systems and the most up-to-date treatment technology, which are user-friendly and stress-free.

If you wish to find out more, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us today or visit to learn more about aquaculture water treatment.

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